Application of QR Codes

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Shooting Star is one of my favorite songs by Home Made Kazuko. This song, the first time I heard it, made me sing and dance to the beat. It’s been a few years since I discovered it on Naruto Shippuden but still it never fails to amaze me whenever I heard this playing.

Visit and discover the beauty and knowledge of nature through the website of National Geographic. It offers different kinds of media such as photos, articles, and subscriptions to fill your need of exploring the world.

Manifestations of Climate Change

With advancement of technologies and the abusive use of nature’s resources, humans have caused destruction in the environment. Greenhouse gases resulted from earthly activities caused major climate changes resulting to global warming.

The observable evidences and effects in the environment prove that predictions in the past is now happening in today’s time: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.

Reality of Technology

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Social media is a great contributing factor on ourselves in the areas of self improvement and progressing consciousness. Everything is easy and accessible. Mass information is one of its asset, with lots of sources to browse, filter, and choose from. It is easy for me to find things I’m searching for. The information helps me in grasping topics and ideas I don’t understand. I use it to improve and enhance myself better through assessing my weak points and applying the knowledge I got from reading. Social media provides entertainment, allowing myself to watch movies, listen to music, and play games anywhere and anytime as a form of taking a break from school and housework. Also, it allows me to communicate, forge and fix relationships hindered by distance. I can connect,via message or call, with my family and friends in a matter of minutes. I join groups and follow pages that are inline with my hobbies and interests. It makes me discover latest trends and happening about it. I am able to arm and equip myself with the latest news and information around the world. I am updated and not make fun of myself by being ignorant. For some people, they use the media as an earning platform. With their posts being liked, shared, and commented, they are able to earn money.

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Social media are created for comfortable life and usage. It is the people that complicates and abuse such that sometimes its gone haywire and impossible to stop. Humans have excessively used it and manipulated on their own accord. It became an extension of their desires and dreams that sometimes lead to others’ destruction. Cyberbullying, identity theft, addiction, are examples of what problems existing in the system and affects people’s health and well-being. People got carried away resulting to procrastination, laziness, denial to face the reality, and afraid to face their responsibilities. Everytime I get too hooked up on watching anime, reading mangas online, and chatting with my bestfriend, they make me forgot to do my assignments and projects. I am absolutely unproductive in those times.

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As a responsible social media user, I will: minimize my usage of social medias up to 4 hours per day, only share necessary information on the web, and not to tag and post others on scandalous posts, pictures, or videos.

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A Daily Dose of Services

In my years of existence, when the internet was introduced to me, from then on I have been using the communication, information, and lastly entertainment services it provides.

Communication services introduced me to a wide variety of selection. From the different applications  that you can download in the app/play store or still the web based versions, I use Facebook, Twitter, Discord, and etc. In this, I can connect to my love ones and others by sending messages and by calling. I join groups, follows pages, and scroll my feed to be updated on what’s happening around me. It is very informational and it has become a bridge to meet new persons/ introduction to interests virtually and physically, if lucky. It allows me to discover and fuel my interests.

One of the risky thing about this is the play of emotions. The lack of physical interaction may result to misunderstandings and misconceptions of a point of a person. You can be subjected to identity theft and account being hacked. There’s also rampant fake news in some pages. Keyboard warriors are there to attack you whenever your comment is not to their liking. Bullying and being the subject of a post is likely possible if you have enemies.

Information is the second usage. With lots of information in just few clicks, they are so accessible and convenient in different areas of different disciplines. The web allows me to search for information that I need. It introduces me to various platforms that gives information. They can redirect you to sites that give facts and opinions of everyone.

You can be at risk with in such a way that it can lead you to a fake source, fake information. The sites may ask you to subscribe before you can access the information. You may need to log in or sign up too.

With entertainment, it allows me to have my ‘me time’. It lightens up my day just by listening to music, watching videos, and reading mangas. I get to be educated, relieved from stress, and can compete with other people virtually in online games.

The temptation about them is you may spend too much time despite the loads of work you have. You don’t want to feel unsatisfied because you stopped watching or reading. You get to be emotional if you read or watch something tragic or you lose a game.

First Encounter: Smartphone

In the recent years, the advancement of technology have introduced us to diversified creations that have greatly affected our lives. Smartphones were introduced as an answer to a growing economy and for the manufacturers to be globally competitive. We, people, as the target market became easily hooked, an avid user, and heavily depended on the products.

In the 21st century, technological advancements caught up with the demand for new specs and functions of phones. The products improved and became updated with the latest discoveries hence smartphones.

My first smartphone, Asus ZenFone 5, is bought to me by my father. Just like any other kid excited of a new present, I can’t contain my happiness as I received the phone from him. No more unboxing part because he used it already but it didn’t make me feel less excited because I was into the idea of exploring. Not really bad for a first timer, I easily discovered and adapt on my own how to use it. I immediately dive in to test its capacity and savour the perks of first time use of the gadget. I checked out the apps one by one and smiles whenever it is what I need and frown when I need to delete it because it has no use. I edited the settings to match my preferences. I download necessary apps that coincides with my interests; wattpad and animania. From that, it became part of me everyday. I spend most of my time with my phone reading manga and ebooks, playing games, and visiting my social media accounts.

Still, I’m not dominated by the gadgets I have because I control myself not to become a victim of cases of addiction that have emerged. Real interactions are the best after all.

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