Reality of Technology

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Social media is a great contributing factor on ourselves in the areas of self improvement and progressing consciousness. Everything is easy and accessible. Mass information is one of its asset, with lots of sources to browse, filter, and choose from. It is easy for me to find things I’m searching for. The information helps me in grasping topics and ideas I don’t understand. I use it to improve and enhance myself better through assessing my weak points and applying the knowledge I got from reading. Social media provides entertainment, allowing myself to watch movies, listen to music, and play games anywhere and anytime as a form of taking a break from school and housework. Also, it allows me to communicate, forge and fix relationships hindered by distance. I can connect,via message or call, with my family and friends in a matter of minutes. I join groups and follow pages that are inline with my hobbies and interests. It makes me discover latest trends and happening about it. I am able to arm and equip myself with the latest news and information around the world. I am updated and not make fun of myself by being ignorant. For some people, they use the media as an earning platform. With their posts being liked, shared, and commented, they are able to earn money.

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Social media are created for comfortable life and usage. It is the people that complicates and abuse such that sometimes its gone haywire and impossible to stop. Humans have excessively used it and manipulated on their own accord. It became an extension of their desires and dreams that sometimes lead to others’ destruction. Cyberbullying, identity theft, addiction, are examples of what problems existing in the system and affects people’s health and well-being. People got carried away resulting to procrastination, laziness, denial to face the reality, and afraid to face their responsibilities. Everytime I get too hooked up on watching anime, reading mangas online, and chatting with my bestfriend, they make me forgot to do my assignments and projects. I am absolutely unproductive in those times.

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As a responsible social media user, I will: minimize my usage of social medias up to 4 hours per day, only share necessary information on the web, and not to tag and post others on scandalous posts, pictures, or videos.

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