Application of QR Codes

Sharing this QR code of my friend as a promotion for more views.  Don’t hesitate to check it out! ٩( ๑╹ ꇴ╹)۶ Shooting Star is one of my favorite songs by Home Made Kazuko. This song, the first time I heard it, made me sing and dance to the beat. It’s been a few yearsContinue reading “Application of QR Codes”

Manifestations of Climate Change

With advancement of technologies and the abusive use of nature’s resources, humans have caused destruction in the environment. Greenhouse gases resulted from earthly activities caused major climate changes resulting to global warming. The observable evidences and effects in the environment prove that predictions in the past is now happening in today’s time: loss of seaContinue reading “Manifestations of Climate Change”

Reality of Technology

Social media is a great contributing factor on ourselves in the areas of self improvement and progressing consciousness. Everything is easy and accessible. Mass information is one of its asset, with lots of sources to browse, filter, and choose from. It is easy for me to find things I’m searching for. The information helps me in grasping topicsContinue reading “Reality of Technology”

A Daily Dose of Services

In my years of existence, when the internet was introduced to me, from then on I have been using the communication, information, and lastly entertainment services it provides. Communication services introduced me to a wide variety of selection. From the different applications  that you can download in the app/play store or still the web basedContinue reading “A Daily Dose of Services”

First Encounter: Smartphone

In the recent years, the advancement of technology have introduced us to diversified creations that have greatly affected our lives. Smartphones were introduced as an answer to a growing economy and for the manufacturers to be globally competitive. We, people, as the target market became easily hooked, an avid user, and heavily depended on theContinue reading “First Encounter: Smartphone”

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